Logo Redesign
To start off, let's dive into a logo redesign – a task I thoroughly enjoy!
Design Brief
When North American Holdings, the parent company of CrossCountry, sought to purchase three additional companies and create a new logistics division, I was tasked with creating a new brand identity for not only CCFS, but to create a brand system that would work with the new acquisitions and new divisions.
- Pay homage to the old logo
- Shorten the name
- Have a patriotic feel
- Work with our expanding network of companies
- Create an symbol
There were a number of stakeholders who had a say in the design, resulting in several months of work to lock down the final design. Though design by committee can be tedious, in this case it allowed for strong collaboration and the best idea to be forged from criticism.
As you'll see below, the initial concepts were for North American Companies (NAC). NAC was supposed to be a brand that would contain the other operating companies. This idea eventually was scrapped, but it got the ball rolling.
The Ugly Bison
The eagle concept just wasn't cutting it...I guess the bird isn't the word.

Our CEO found a bison logo for sale online (with all the rights included) and suggested we use it. Side note: This was difficult for me, I didn't like the idea of using a logo that I didn't create. I learned to put my pride aside and focus on what was best for the company. 
After some discussion, we all agreed to buy it. A bison turned out to be a great idea as they are strong and fit our patriotic requirement. CrossCountry was founded and is headquartered in North Dakota, so it's quite fitting.
One thing was for sure, it needed some serious work...

A Icon is Born
After some reworking our ugly bison was looking great! Affectionately named "TANK" by the team members, he is our final design.
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